Labyrinth (creative director), Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles, The Danube Exodus, Russian Modernism and Its International Dimensions, Tracing the Decay of Fiction, Jewish Homegrown History, Interacting with Autism, and this website on MK's Legacies.

Scott moved from San Francisco to LA in order to join The Labyrinth Project. Though the production of Bleeding Through was already well under way, he created the dramatic opening, which was an important contribution to the project. On the Danube Exodus installation he was absolutely crucial, both in the production phase and as the installer who traveled to wherever in the world it was showing and adapted it to each new exhibition space. He was the creative director of our on-line courseware, Russian Modernism and Its International Dimensions, a project that was very challenging for everyone involved—scholars, programmers, animators, game designers, etc. But Scott is always eager to take new risks, learn new skills, explore new genres, and work with new collaborators. That’s why he was also so essential on our Jewish Homegrown History installation, and why Mark Harris and I asked him to be the creative director of Interacting with Autism and why I asked him to collaborate on this website, MK’s Legacies.

Still from opening of Bleeing Through: Layers of Los Angeles.

Peter Forgacs and Scott Mahoy at The Danube Exodus at the Getty Museum Los Angeles, 2002.